The Pamoja Foundation does not lend money directly to borrowers. Instead, we have partnered with experienced Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
in Kenya. These NGOs have excellent track records (e.g., their repayment rate is more than 95%) and outstanding reputations. To that end, they have been sought out and supported by the likes of
the Ford Foundation and the Dutch giant, Cordaid.
Why do these already successful organizations need our help? They have accomplished a tremendous amount but
there is much more to do. Further, their depth and breadth of experience
ensure that all monies donated work extremely effectively and efficiently.
The Pamoja Foundation lends money at
reduced interest rates which helps to dramatically accelerate the
rate at which new branches can achieve self-sustainability.
The money we raise is loaned for a three to five-year period during
which time it will be repeatedly loaned and repaid by various entrepreneurs.
At the end of the loan, the original money plus interest is returned
to North America. This money must ultimately be returned to North
America after a period of time in keeping with the laws that govern
our foundation status. The amount of money returned may vary relative
to foreign currency exchange rates. Regardless of whether it is
less or more, that sum will be turned over to a selection of worthy
Canadian charities -- with preference given to organizations providing
micro-financing opportunities to those in need in Canada.
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